Sunday, December 28, 2008


I want to say thank you, for giving me this chance at love once again. I promise myself I wouldn't mess it up. So I ask that you please don't let me. I will listen to you, love you, hold your hand. Make you happy, smile for you, when you can't, make you a better man, as I become one myself.

I never thought, that love would come so easy. I could imagine my self, knock down these walls, that I work my blood, sweat and tears, building.

I think of you, like the unconditionally, and you fullfill me emotionally, I'm away from you, and it drains, everything, that makes me happy. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies, are gray, blue, yellow and purple, and life has torn me down, and I think of the possiblities that at the end of the day, you will still be there. I want to hug you, and kiss you and never let you go. I want be with you, live my life with you, and always let you know.

That you are wonderful, a blessing, a treasure, a gem, when everything feels cold. I only think of him.You are summer days, warm cuddles under the blanket, on long winter nights. You feel like courage to my fears, you make me want push forward and fight. You give strength, so much strength, that I could have never found within myself. My mumphet baby, I wouldn't trade you for anyone else.

Yes I promise I will make mistakes, and sometime I will cry. I promise hard times, times your question, and you might have a moment or two, when you want to divide you and I. I can't give you world, but I can most certainly try. I can't always tend to your every need, but I'm always on your side. I promise that we will have fight, and have petty arguments, times when I get on your nerve. Times where you will want space from me, and times, when you wish I would leave you alone, for a min.

But I promise you love, me, and everything you want me to be. I promise a life with someone you will cherish and hold dear to you. A person you will always be there for you, a mind that remains clear to you, and a heart that will always be sincere to you.

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